The Metamorphosis of existing structures.

Change is inevitable. Metamorphosis Structural Engineering (MSE) turns change into transformation.

Structural engineering transforms individual parts, pieces, and materials into structures that are functional, safe, efficient, and aesthetic. Metamorphosis Structural Engineering (MSE) provides maintenance, repairs, and other modifications to improve the safety, functionality, and useful life of damaged, deteriorated, and neglected structures.

Proudly serving the metro Twin Cities and greater state of Minnesota.

Post-tension tendon layout

Clarify Complexities

At MSE, we diagnose complex structural conditions and explain them to our clients in simple, easy to understand language.

Concrete debris

Sift Through the Rubble

We carefully and thoroughly investigate damage and formulate primary causes and other contributing factors of global or localized failures.

Water reservoir interior inspection

Reflect Ingenuity and Creativity

Our innovative maintenance and repair solutions keep our clients' goals, expectations, and budgets at the forefront of our partnership.

Bell tower masonry repair

Find the Missing Pieces

Our meticulous structural assessments identify areas of improvement to increase structural integrity and prolong useful life.  

Parking ramp temporary shoring

Spotlight Vulnerabilities

At MSE, we are proficient in structural document reviews to assess inherent vulnerabilities and recommend corrective action.